Jumaat, 12 Oktober 2012


民联近日挑起国家银行于90年代进行外汇交易而令我国损失惨重的课题,并追问国阵为何擢升涉及此事的前国家银行副行长诺莫哈末为部长。日前,民主行动党秘书长及巴眼区国会议员冠英要首相署部长丹斯里诺莫哈末耶谷解释清楚国家银行外汇交易丑闻, 同时对于外汇交易在1992年至1993期间导致我国损失158亿令吉甚至高达300亿令吉的丑闻负起责任。谁应该负起这宗90年代国家银行外汇交易丑闻的责任?知道这个答案的人正是冠英的父亲吉祥与及当时的财政部长安华。吉祥是行动党国会领袖,但他对民联领袖及儿子炒作90年代国家银行外汇交易丑闻事件充耳不闻,不支持,也不反对,为什么呢?因为吉祥在1994年出版了一本详述国家银行外汇交易丑闻的著作:《The Bank Negara RM30 Billion Forex Losses Scandal》。


In the special DAP motion on the Bank Negara forex losses in  Parliament last April, the Finance Minister,  Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim strenuously denied that Bank  Negara had “speculated”  or “gambled”  in foreign exchange.

Anwar said that as Finance Minister, he was “fully satisfied with the reasons” given by Tan Sri Jaffar Hussein for the Bank Negara’s forex losses.”


However, the person who must also bear responsibility for the colossal Bank Negara forex losses, apart from Tan Sri Jaffar Hussein, must be the Finance Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, himself.

As Anwar had assured Parliament last April that he was ‘satisfied’ with Tan Sri Jaffar’s explanation for the 1992  Bank Negara forex losses, what had Tan Sri Jaffar done differently in 1993 with regard to the 1993 Bank Negara forex losses to require his resignation?”


There are two other reasons why Anwar Ibrahim must bear personal responsibility for Bank Negara’s  forex losses.

Anwar Ibrahim said last week that he had directed Bank Negara to stop foward foreign exchange trading when he discovered its forex losses 18 months ago. If Bank Negara had followed his instructions to stop forward forex trading in 1992, then how could Bank Negara suffer RM5.7 billion losses in 1993, on top of the RM 10.1 billion to RM13.1 billion losses in 1992?”

Furthermore, Anwar Ibrahim had misled Parliament last July when I questioned him whether Bank Negara had suffered more forex losses.  Anwar said that this was not true as he had been monitoring the Bank Negara’s forex dealings weekly.

On July 19,1993, I asked Anwar Ibrahim a supplementary question during question time as to whether at that  date, Bank Negara’s provision of RM2.7 billion contingent liability for forward forex trading in the 1992 Bank Negara accounts had not only been confirmed, but even more forex losses had been incurred.”


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